We are using Recurring workorders for our maintenance clients, and when we create the initial Recurring Work, we are selecting the option"Schedule after last closed workorder".  When we finish a job, we set the workorder status to 'Invoiced' - which to us means, 'closed'.  Will this generate a new recurring workorder - or do we physically need to change the status to 'closed' on these?

Any closed status will work for this.  To review which status' you have set as being marked to closed, you can look in settings under work orders.  

When using this option a new work order will be generated X period after the date the work order is closed.  For example, if you have a recurring work order that creates every 4 weeks and it has the schedule after last closed work order selected, then, if the work order was created on Feb. 15 and closed today, the next date of the work order will be set to 4 weeks after today.  If that is not checked then a new work order will be created every 4 weeks no matter what.