We have added into the Customer list the ability to export and import customers. This works in similar fashion to the Inventory and Quote items import/export. You can export a customer file, modify and add new customers and then re-import the file.
- As you Login to your ServiceBox site, on the left side click on label "Customers". You will navigate to the Customer page and underneath the title Customer you should see two buttons: "EXPORT" and "IMPORT".
- Click on either one of them depending. on what you want to do. When Exporting, the system will generate an Excel file for you titled "ServiceBox Customer Workbook"(If in Protected view - Enable Editing) .
- You will see similar data rows in the excel file as in your customer info tab within ServiceBox.
- Fill in the data, save it and Import it back to ServiceBox: this will update your customer information.
- The following points must be noted while filling out the customer information in the Excel sheet:
1. If the Customer is an Individual: Enter First Name and Last Name
2. If Customer is a Company: Enter Company Name (Leave First Name and Last Name Blank)
3. Phone/Mobile Number: Enter Numeric Values.
4. Office Country/Office Province: Feel free to enter the full name or the acronym.
5. Default Tax Level: Select your tax levels from the dropdown that appears in that cell.
6. Pricebook: If the pricebook is set by the customer in their settings tab, they will see a list of their
pricebooks and must select one of them for their customer.
7. Custom Fields: For restricted dropdown or restricted multi-select Fields, these have to be set in
the settings tab, accordingly will appear on excel sheet.
Note: For importing, the Display Name has to be filled.