
This article will summarize the features of the Inventory Tab in your ServiceBox settings. 

What is a ServiceBox Inventory?

We view inventory as physical items that are located somewhere within your organization be it a head office, warehouse or even inside vehicles.  Our inventory module allows you to manage the inventory inside these locations by transferring items from one location to the next.  You can set reorder points for individual items to determine when the next group of items needs to be reordered.  Once new items are added in you can update the inventory amounts in different locations.

Inventory Tab: Locations

This section allows you to create locations in which your inventory is stored. An example is shown in the following screenshot. 

Updating Inventory

Once you have added a location in the Inventory Tab, you can then access your inventory by clicking on "Inventory" on the left-hand side of your ServiceBox screen. As shown in the following screenshot, you can update the amount of specific inventory stored at specific locations, including their quantity, average cost, latest cost, sale price, tax level, and the point at which you would like to order more inventory.

Notice the three buttons on the right of each line of inventory, these buttons allow you to edit, change quantities of, and delete the inventory items in your settings.

Transfer: If the office is using this function, and they want to transfer a certain amount of an item from one location to another, they go in here, click transfer, select where it's coming from and where it's going to, search for the product, and then hit enter. NOTE: The technicians can also do this themselves on the Work Order itself. 

For more detailed information about updating your inventory, check out this article.