Summary: This article will walk you through the steps for Importing or Exporting Vendor information between your accounting software and ServiceBox.

Import Vendors from QuickBooks Online:
If you have your Suppliers (we're calling them "Vendors") information within QuickBooks Online, you can now import that list with one click into ServiceBox.
Go to the username menu and click on the Drop-down> QuickBooks Online> Import from QuickBooks Online> Vendor> Import Vendors> Select All and click OK.
The system will add your suppliers as "Vendors" in ServiceBox.
Please note, if you have a Supplier marked as Inactive in QuickBooks Online, that Supplier will not appear in the import list. The system will only move the Active Suppliers over to ServiceBox as of now.

Export Vendors to QuickBooks Online:
If you want to move the vendor information from ServiceBox over to QuickBooks Online, Go to your username menu and click on the Drop-down> QuickBooks Online>Export to QuickBooks Online>and click the "Go" button.
The system will look for all the new Vendor records and bring up the screen below (on the right). You may select some manually, or click "Select All" to...well, select them all. :) Then click the "Continue" button to complete the sync. 

Once the sync is complete, Open your QuickBooks company file> Get paid & pay> Supplier> and you'll see the new Supplier's record in QuickBooks. 

 If you have any questions please reach out to the support team by sending a message through your Help button or emailing us at