We've added a new feature on the Work Order page which will allow you to export and import Work Orders. This works in similar fashion to the Inventory and Quote import/exports. Existing customers can export a Work Order file, modify and add new Work Orders and then re-import the file. New customers will be able to bring in existing Work Orders which were not previously in ServiceBox. 

After you Login to your ServiceBox site, in the left-hand menu click on “Work Orders” to open the Work Orders page and underneath the Work Orders title you should see two buttons: "EXPORT" and "IMPORT". 



Exporting the file from ServiceBox: 

  • To Export the file, click on the "Export" button. 


  • The system will generate an Excel file for you titled "ServiceBox Work Orders Workbook" (If in Protected View, click on “Enable Editing”). 


  • You will see similar data rows in the excel file as in your ServiceBox Work Order form 

Update Exported Excel Spreadsheet: 

Open the Exported file and fill in the data as shown below. 

Note: All fields marked with are mandatory and values should be added to these fields. 

ID: This is a system generated field, do not update this field. 


Work Order Date*This is the date Work Order was created. 

Existing Customer: Enter the Work Order date, and ServiceBox will reformat the date to match the format entered on the Tenant page in ServiceBox  
New Customer: Enter the date the Work Order was created. 


You can find this information on the work Order form. 



Location: You will see this field only if Multi Location is turned on in ServiceBox.   

Existing Customers: This field has a value in the form of a drop down; enter one of the Locations from the list of locations entered in ServiceBox for the customer. 


The name should be exactly the same as entered in ServiceBox (including spaces) for existing Work Orders. You can find this information on the Work Order form. 


If you are adding new Work Orders through the Import/Export process, enter the Location in this field. New Customers: Enter the value you want to see in the Location Field in the Work Order. 


Bill To*:  This is the customer that the bill will be sent to. 
Existing Customers: The name should be exactly the same as entered in ServiceBox (including spaces) for existing Work Orders.  


You can find this information on the Work Order form. 


If you are adding new Work Orders through the Import/Export process, enter the Customers name that the bill will be sent to in this field. 
New Customers: Enter the name you want to see in the “Bill To” Field in the Work Order. 

Jobsite Display Name*This is the location of the work. 

Existing Customers: This field has a value in the form of a drop down; enter one of the Jobsites from the list of Jobsites entered in ServiceBox. The name should be exactly the same as entered in ServiceBox including spaces for existing Work Orders.  


You can find this information on the Work Order form. 

If you are adding a new Work Order through the Import/Export process, enter the Job Site Display name in this field. New Customers: Enter the value you want to see in the “Location” Field in the Work Order. 

Assigned User*Assign a user in the “Assigned To” field on the Work Order form.  

Existing customers: This is the person responsible for the work to be completed. The name should be exactly the same as entered in ServiceBox (including spaces) for existing Work Orders. 


You can find this information on a Work Order form. 


If you are adding a new Work Order through Import/Export process enter the Assigned User name in this field. New Customers: Enter the value you want to see in the “Assigned To” Field in the Work Order. 

Work Order Number*: This is a sequential number set during the initial set up. If it's not set, the system will generate sequential numbers. The number should be exactly the same as entered in ServiceBox (including spaces) for existing Work Orders. 


Existing Customers: The number series should match with what is entered on the “Tenant” page.  Go to the  Settings / Tenant tab to find this information. 


You can find this information on the Work Order form. 


If you are adding a new Work Order through Import/Export process, enter sequential Work Order Numbers in this field.
New Customer: Enter the sequential number, the way you would like to show up in the Work Order. 

Work Description: This is the work that needs to be completed. 

Existing Customer: When the file is imported, this field will have the exact description entered in the existing Work Order. Enter the description from ServiceBox exactly the same way as it appears, (including spaces) for existing Work Orders. 


You can find the Description in the existing work Order. 


If you are entering a new Work Order through the Import/Export process, type in the description of work in this field. 
New Customers: Enter the value you want to see in the “Work Description” field, in the Work Order. 

Work Description New: This is the work that needs to be completed and is very similar to the Work Description field. This field is for existing Work Orders and will be used to replace the ‘Work Description’ field for the existing Work Order. The reason this field was added is because, when the Work Order is exported, all formatting is removed. As a result, the existing Work Description field will not be used when importing any changes.

If you enter the description in this field, it will override what's in the “Description” field in the Work Order. If you wish to use this field to add onto the existing ‘Work Description’, just copy the existing value into this field and add any new information.

Please note the following:

1.  When importing information from this field, all formatting from the original ‘Work Description’ field will be lost. As a result, any formatting, such as highlighting or bold, will need to be re-added.

2.  If you wish to enter multiple lines of information, in the spreadsheet’s cell, while pressing the alt-key, click the enter-key.

3.  For new Work Orders, information for the work to be completed can be entered in either the ‘Work Description’ or ‘Work Description New’ fields, if information is entered into both, the ‘Work Description’ field will be saved with the Work Order and the ‘New Work Description New’ field will be ignored.



Work Order Category: This is the type of work being completed. 

Existing Customers: This field has a value in the form of a drop down; enter one of the categories from the list of categories which are entered in ServiceBox exactly same way as they appear, (including spaces) for existing Work Orders. 


You can find this information in the existing Work Order. 


If you are entering a new Work Order through the Import/Export process type in the Work Order Category in this field. 

Work Order Status *: This field contains the workflow status of Work Orders 

Existing Customers: This field has a value in the form of a drop down. Enter one of the Statuses from the list of Statuses entered in ServiceBox in exactly the same way as they appear, (including spaces) for existing Work Orders.  


You can find this information in the existing Work order. 


If you are entering new Work Orders through the Import/Export process, type in the Status of work in this field. New Customer: Type in the Status of work in this field. 

Customer Signature Required: This is not a mandatory field.   
Existing Customer: This is a Boolean data type field and the required answer is either “True” or “False”.  If the “Customer Signature Required” checkbox in the Work Order is checked, then type “True” in this field. If not then type in “False."  If the field is left blank the system will update the field with the default value “False.”


Existing Customers: The information should be same as what is entered in the ServiceBox for existing Work Orders. You can find this information on the Work Order form. 


If you are entering a new Work Order through Import/Export process type in “True” or “False” in this field. 

Customer PO#: This is not a mandatory field; you don’t have to fill in any value. 

Existing Customers: You can type in PO# in this alpha numeric field, the same way you have entered it in the Work Order for existing Work Orders. If you are entering a new Work Order through the Import/Export process type in the PO# in this field. 



You can find this information on the Wok Order form. 


New Customers: You can type in PO# in this alphanumeric field. 

Admin Notes: This is not a mandatory field; you don’t have to fill in any value. 

Existing Customers: Enter Admin Notes exactly same way you have it in the Work Order (including spaces) for existing Work Orders.  


You can find this information on the Work Order form. 


If you are entering a new Work Order through the Import/Export process, type in the Admin Notes in this field. New Customers: Type in the Admin Notes in this field. 

Customer Contact: This is not a mandatory field; you don’t have to fill in any value. This field isn't a standard field in the Work Order form...if you need this information you'll have to create a custom field for Customers in the Settings menu. 


Existing customers: If you've added custom fields in your ServiceBox settings, then enter them here the same way you've entered them for existing Work Orders. 


Customer Contact2: This is not a mandatory field; you don’t have to fill in any value. This field Is not a standard field in the Work Order form. If you need this information you'll have to create a custom field for Customers in Settings menu. 

Title: This is not a mandatory field; you don’t have to fill in any value. 
After updating the Excel file, you'll have to save the file in the same format and import it back to     ServiceBox. This will update your Work Order information within ServiceBox.

Importing the file back to ServiceBox: 

To Import the file, go to the Work Order and Click "Import."



Click on the “Choose File” button to select the file. 



Select a file 



Click on the “Import” button. 


In the top right-hand corner, under your user name you will see following message box 


The User importing the file will receive a message in their email inbox once the file import is         completed. You may receive an email after the import process is completed, saying the import process was completed with errors. For example, a possible error could be that the Jobsite entered for the customer did not match what we have in ServiceBox. 


If you receive an email like the one below, please reach out to our Support team.