Importing a customer list into ServiceBox can be a powerful way to manage your client information efficiently. However, some users may encounter difficulties during the import process. In this article, we provide a simple and effective solution to help you overcome these challenges. By following the steps outlined below, you can successfully import your customer list and ensure accurate data integration into ServiceBox.
After you Login to your ServiceBox site, in the left-hand menu click on “Customers” to open the Customer page and underneath the Customers title you should see two buttons: "EXPORT" and "IMPORT".
Exporting the file from ServiceBox:
This step provides you with an Excel file template that matches ServiceBox import requirements.
To export the file, click on "Export"
The system will generate an Excel file for you titled "ServiceBox Customers Workbook" (If in Protected View, click on “Enable Editing”).
Fill in the customer information:
Open the exported Excel file and Enter the customer details in the appropriate columns of the Excel file. Make sure to follow the specified formatting guidelines, such as providing unique display names and correctly formatted phone numbers.
- ID: This is a system generated field, do not update this field.
- If the Customer is an Individual*: Enter First Name and Last Name
- If Customer is a Company*: Enter Company Name (Leave First Name and Last Name Blank)
- Phone/Mobile Number: Enter Numeric Values.
- Office Country/Office Province: Feel free to enter the full name or the acronym.
- Default Tax Level: Select your tax levels from the dropdown that appears in that cell.
- Pricebook: If the pricebook is set by the customer in their settings tab, they will see a list of their
- pricebooks and must select one of them for their customer.
- Custom Fields: For restricted dropdown or restricted multi-select Fields, these have to be set in the settings tab, accordingly will appear on excel sheet
After updating the Excel file, you'll have to save the file in the same format and import it back to ServiceBox. This will update your Customer information within ServiceBox.
Importing the file back to ServiceBox:
Access the import function within ServiceBox and select the modified Excel file that contains your customer information. This initiates the import process.
To Import the file, go to the Customers and Click "Import."
Click on the “Choose File” button to select the file.
Select a file and click on Import button
In the top right-hand corner, under your user name you will see following message box
The User importing the file will receive a message in their email inbox once the file import is completed. You may receive an email after the import process is completed.
After the import is complete, refresh the page in ServiceBox to view the uploaded customer contacts. Review the imported data for accuracy and completeness.
If you encounter any difficulties or need further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to the ServiceBox support team [email protected]