
This article provides an overview of the changes made to the Invoice List Screen and highlights the key features that make managing invoices more efficient and intuitive for ServiceBox users.

The primary purpose of the Invoice List Screen is to provide users with an extensive overview of all active invoices associated with tenants, job sites, work orders, or customers. As users scroll down the list, new records continue to load until all relevant invoices are displayed. This enables effortless navigation and access to critical information without unnecessary interruptions.

The New Drop-Down Tabs:

One notable change in the updated Invoice List Screen is the transformation of the two tabs into a more user-friendly drop-down format. Previously presented as separate links, the tabs have been redesigned to offer a more streamlined and accessible experience. The enhanced UI now ensures that the location and statuses dropdown appears at the top, enhancing the search functionality and overall usability of the screen.

The screen allows users to filter invoices based on their location and/or status. Whether searching for invoices on hold or other specific statuses, users can quickly narrow down the displayed list, minimizing clutter and focusing on relevant information. ServiceBox users who have enabled the location feature can also leverage location-specific filters, tailoring the invoice list to their specific needs.

Effortless Navigation to Invoice Details:

Each invoice on the list is assigned a unique invoice number, serving as a clickable link that directs users to the respective invoice screen. Clicking on an invoice number takes users directly to the detailed invoice view, providing a seamless transition between the list and individual invoice management

Filtered and Sorted Views:

To further enhance productivity, ServiceBox's Invoice List Screen now offers advanced filtering and sorting options. Users can easily sort the list in ascending or descending order based on invoice creation date. By clicking on the arrow sign or the creation date link, users gain precise control over the order in which invoices are displayed.

ServiceBox's enhanced Invoice List Screen brings significant improvements to invoice management within the platform. While maintaining a familiar user interface, the backend code has been revamped to enable future enhancements and improved search functionality. With the introduction of drop-down tabs, comprehensive invoice management, effortless navigation to invoice details, and advanced filtering and sorting capabilities, ServiceBox users can expect a more efficient and intuitive experience when managing their invoices.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding the Invoice List Screen, reach out to the dedicated support team at