
In this article, we'll delve into the recent enhancements made to our work order check-in/check-out feature. These enhancements aim to improve the accuracy of time tracking, streamline work order status changes, and ensure mandatory notes are completed by end-of-day. 

Understanding Check In/Check Out

Before we dive into the enhancements, let's grasp the core concept of check-in and check-out within ServiceBox. Check-ins and check-outs are like a time tracking feature. When a technician clicks on the check-in button, the system starts tracking their time, signifying the start of the job. Similarly, when they click check-out, the system records the job's end time. These Check In/Check Out cycles may be done daily for ongoing jobs, or one time for a one-off service call on a Work Order.  These timestamps are crucial for calculating job durations accurately for our Job Costing feature.

Work Order Check In / Check Out settings

Round hours on Check out: Administrators can configure settings related to work order check-in and check-out to determine how technicians' hours are rounded off. For instance, if a technician checks in and out, the admin can set the system to round up to the next 30 minutes interval.

Customizable Time Entry Settings

Time settings are available to customers who have the "Work Order Labor Notes" feature enabled. These settings are related to the notes settings and will not be visible to users who do not use work order labor notes.

Here is a screen shot of Time Entry and Check in/out where the "Work Order Labor Notes" feature is not enabled. You will notice that the Time Entry is missing from this setting.

To activate the "Workorder Labor Notes" 

  • Go to settings -> Plan tab -> Features.
  • Check the box "Workorder Labor Notes". 
  • Click on "Save" button to save your change.

Here is a screen shot of Time Entry and Check in/out where the "Work Order Labor Notes" feature is enabled.

Seamless Integration with Work Order Labor Notes

A seamless integration with work order labor notes enhances the coherence of our system, ensuring that all relevant information is readily accessible and accurately documented. By linking time entry settings with work order notes, users can effortlessly manage workloads and track progress across various projects.

The time settings include three options linked to notes, and all these three settings are linked to work notes. So if you as an admin user, this is mostly the decisions to be made by the admin.

  • Note entered with time is always a work note:

If this option is selected, the system grants permission for any notes technicians input, whether through the check-in/check-out tab or the T&M tab, to be included as part of the work order's work notes.

  • Notes entered via Work Order Check In/Check Out

When you check in/out in the Work Oder you will see following screen (below).

By default, the system will check the "Add Work Note" box.

Any note you write in the "Notes" box will be added to Work Order -> Work Notes.

Here is the screen print of the Work Order -> Work Notes.

  • Notes entered via T & M tab
  • Navigate to T & M tab.
  • If you are entering labor notes, select a name and enter the appropriate hours. 
  • Click on the three dots.

  • You will see following screen 
  • You will notice that the "Add Work Note" box is automatically checked
  • Any note you write in the "Labor Item Note" box will be added to Work Order -> Work Notes as well as within the T & M tab

  • Here is the screenshot of the Work Order -> Work Notes

  • You can also view Notes within the T & M tab by clicking on the green tab

  • Work notes can be made mandatory

When this feature is activated, technicians are prompted to provide a work note for the specified date and time. For instance, if a work order lacks the requested note, attempting to check-out without inputting the required information will block checkout and prompt a system message. 

For example, in the following Work Order the required work note has not been added.

  • The system will force the technician to input both hours and a note. 
  • The system will give you a message that a Note is required on Checkout
  • The system will require the technician to enter the hours as well as a Note

  • Once the technician inputs a note, it will appear under the "Work Note" tab 

Importantly, if the logged in user adds another note on the same day (even for a different user), the system won't request note entry again, adhering to the chosen setting. 

3. All Time Entries must have a note entered

If this settings if checked off, system will require Note each time user enters time even if the technician enter more then one time entry in a day either via Check In/Out or Labour notes. 

4. All three settings selected

If an Admin user decides to check all the settings related to Time Entry, the system prioritizes work note entry. This means that if all settings are active, the system will focus on ensuring that a work note is entered for all time entries. The system will set 'add work note' as default. Then the system will ensure all time entries must have a note entered and will ignore the second setting ("Required Work note may be entered by user for date to enter time").

5. Minimum Note Length

Administrators have the option to set a minimum character length for notes associated with time entries. This feature ensures that sufficient details are captured for each job, enhancing the quality of job-related information.

In the above screen we have set minimum note length to 9 characters.

The technician will have to add a note with at least 9 characters in the Labor Item Note box.

Setting Work Order Status on Check In and Check Out

One of the significant features of Service Box is the ability to automate work order status changes. Administrators can configure the system to change the work order status automatically upon check-in. This eliminates the need for manual status updates. For instance, if a client wishes to change the status to "Started/Ongoing" when a technician checks in, they can set this up in the system. This simplifies the workflow and ensures that the right status is applied at the right time.

To change the Work Order status automatically on Check In:

  • Go to the Settings -> Work Order -> Time Entry & Check in/Out tab.
  • Select the status from the dropdown menu under "Set Work Order Status On Check In."
  • Click "Save."

Customizing Work Order Status on Check-Out

Continuing with the ability to automate work order status changes, administrators can also configure the system to change the work order status automatically upon check out. This eliminates the need for manual status updates. For instance, if a client wishes to change the status to "On Hold" when a technician checks out, they can set this up in the system. This also simplifies the workflow and ensures that the right status is applied at the right time. 

To change the Work Order status automatically on check out:

  • Go to the Settings -> Work Order -> Time Entry & Check in/Out tab.
  • Check the box "Automatically set Work Order Status on Checkout."
  • Select the status from the dropdown menu under "Default Work Order Status on Checkout."
  • Click "Save."

Enhancements to Work Order Check-In/Check-Out

Service Box has introduced some other noteworthy enhancements to the work order check-in/check-out feature to offer even more precision and control. These improvements cater to both users and administrators.

Real-Time Check-Out Timestamps: 

When a technician clicks on the check-out button and then the "OK" button, their time is recorded and can be verified under the events tab. This contrasts with the previous system, which would track time as soon as the check-out button was clicked, but before the "yes" confirmation button was pressed, potentially leading to discrepancies.

For example, in the previous version: when a technician clicked on the check-out button, the system recorded their check-out time, regardless of when they clicked on the "Yes" button you see at the bottom.

When a technician clicks on the check-out button now, and then the "OK" button, their time is recorded and can be verified under the events tab. 

With the latest enhancement, the system will only finalize the check-out time when the technician clicks the "OK" button. This ensures greater accuracy in tracking when a technician actually completes a job.


A technician clicks on the check-in button say at 9:43

Clicks on Check out button at 9:47

So now the act of filling out the notes during the check out process is considered part of the job, and the job isn't over until that task is complete and the OK button is pushed.

On the screen below, technician enters notes and clicks on the OK button at 9:50

You will notice that the time recorded for the checkout is 9:50

You can see this information on the Events tab as well

Calculating the time worked on the Work Order:

In the example given below, the settings for "Round hours on Checkout to (minutes)" is 1 minute

Check in time 9:43

Check Out time 9:50

Time spent on the work order is 7 minute (difference between check in and checkout time)

Note that this calculation will take the minutes you have entered in the settings for "Round hours on Checkout to (minutes)" 

Force Time on Check-Out: 

A new validation feature prevents users from checking out without specifying the number of hours worked. This ensures that job durations are accurately recorded.

To force time on checkout:

  • Go to the Settings -> Work Order -> Time Entry Check-In/Out tab.
  • Check the box "Time must be entered when checking out."

All relevant settings in one place: 

Service Box has gathered all the important settings for work order check-in/check-out in one location, making it easier for administrators to set up the system as needed.

You might notice that "Restrict check-in to one work order at a time" has been moved from the Work Order Settings tab to the Work Order Check-In/Out tab. When you enable this option, the system ensures that a technician can check in to only one work order at a time.

Access levels are available in the secure site related to Check-in Check-Out.

Please click Here to review available access levels related to Check-in Check-Out.

For further assistance or inquiries regarding the these new options, please reach out to our dedicated support team at