In this article, we're excited to introduce a new feature in ServiceBox that allows you to deactivate Invoice or Quote categories. This feature provides a flexible solution for users who no longer wish to use specific categories in the system.
It's important to note that while Quote and Invoice categories are interconnected within ServiceBox, deactivating a Quote category won't automatically deactivate the corresponding Invoice category. To achieve this, manual deactivation is necessary in both the Quote and/or Invoice settings, as you prefer. You have the flexibility to deactivate either Quote or Invoice categories independently.
The following process will walk you through the steps to deactivate/reactivate categories in Service Box.
Manage Quote categories
To deactivate Quote categories:
- Log in to your Service Box account.
- In the dashboard, locate and click on the "Settings."
- Click on the "Quotes" tab.
- Click on the blue "Settings" link underneath.
- Find the category you would like to deactivate.
- Click the "Edit" button.
- Locate the "Deactivated" flag and mark it as 'yes.'
- The system will display only the activated categories by default.
To reactivate Quote Categories:
- Log in to your Service Box account.
- In the dashboard, locate and click on "Settings."
- Click on the "Quotes" tab.
- Click on the blue "Settings" link underneath.
- Check off the "Active Categories only" box to access deactivated categories.
- Find the category you would like to reactivate.
- Click the "Edit" button.
- Locate the "Deactivated" flag and mark it as 'no.'
Manage Invoice categories:
To deactivate Invoice categories:
- Log in to your Service Box account.
- Click on "Settings."
- Click on the "Invoices" tab.
- Click on the blue "Categories" link underneath.
- Find the category you would like to deactivate.
- Click the "Edit" button.
- Locate the "Deactivated" flag and mark it as 'yes.'
- The system will display only the activated categories by default.
To reactivate Invoice Categories:
- Log in to your Service Box account.
- Click on "Settings."
- Click on the "Invoices" tab.
- Click on the blue "Categories" link underneath.
- Check off the "Active Categories only" box to access deactivated categories.
- Find the category you would like to reactivate.
- Click the "Edit" button.
- Locate the "Deactivated" flag and mark it as 'no.'
Exporting Deactivated Quote Categories:
The deactivation feature extends to exports as well. If you Export Quote Items after deactivating the Quote category, deactivated categories won't appear in the spreadsheet by default. If you wish to see deactivated categories in an export, simply change the deactivated flag from 'yes' to 'no.'
If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team at [email protected].