Is it possible to import data into Service box?

Yes, it is possible, we can import client’s data into Service Box through excel or csv files. We can help in bring below mentioned datasets.

  • Customer Data 
  • Jobsites linked to customers
  • Historical Workorders
  • Inventory Items
  • Non-Inventory Items
  • Unit Import


Is it possible to get data Import from Jobbers to ServiceBox for Client?

Yes, it is possible, we can import client’s data from jobbers into Service Box. We can help in bring below mentioned datasets.

  • Customer Data 
  • Jobsites linked to customers
  • Historical Workorders

Do we need anything from Client to proceed for data import process?

Yes, we would require our customer to download following files from Jobber for us to analyse data. Do not worry about duplicates ServiceBox is smart enough to eliminate duplicates. Moreover, all the files go through a cleansing process before heading towards ServiceBox.

Following are the files which will be required from Jobbers.

  • Client Contact Info file
    1. It will give us data related to Customers such Customer Name, Display Name, Address, Phone, email etc.
  • Client Properties File 
    1. It will give us data related to Jobsites lined to customers such as Customer name, linked jobsites, address etc.
  • One-off jobs Report 
    1. It will give us data related to historical Work Orders and its related data.

What if we have columns in Jobbers that are not available in Service Box?

We can create customised columns in Service box according to our need and then then we can import relevant data in that column.

Example – Client require “Previous WorkOrder #” in service box. In that case we can create a custom column in Service box “Historical WO#” and import data into that column.

Note : It is required to mention all custom columns before Data import.


How data Import process works?

  • We receive files from Customer related to data import, files can vary from customer to customer depending upon their business requirements, previous software, accounting software, data management.
  • We send all the files to database experts, they analyse the data and its complexity. 
  • Accordingly, team calculates how much time and efforts this data import will need and quote is created. 
  • Quote will be sent to client for approval and we address all the queries if client have in quote or process and then data import process starts on Client’s approval on ServiceBox portal.