
The system automatically applies formatting (e.g., bullet points, bold/italic) when certain characters are entered at the beginning of the line in the description field.  However, it is possible that this auto-formatting may not match your intended text presentation. To prevent this, adding a space before characters like "-", "~", "*" will maintain the intended text format without unwanted changes.  

Here is the screen print before the workaround:

Here is a suggested approach to prevent automatic formatting in the description field:

Note: Keep in mind that this workaround is similar to how Microsoft Word operates, where certain characters at the start of a line trigger automatic formatting.

  • Identify the character that trigger the automatic formatting, such as "-". "*", "~" 
  • Before using any of these characters at the beginning of a line, make sure to insert a space before them. For example, instead of typing "- Item 1" directly, type " - Item 1" (with a space before the hyphen).
  • Repeat this process for any line where you want to prevent automatic formatting. Remember to insert a space before each of the formatting-triggering characters.
  • By adding a space before the character, the system will recognize them as regular text and will not apply any formatting changes.
  • Ensure that the space and formatting-triggering character are both at the beginning of the line to avoid any unwanted transformation.

    Here is the screen after the workaround:

Please contact our support team [email protected] if you encounter difficulties or have any questions.